Are you getting enough oxygen?

As we mentioned, you really only breathe about 20% oxygen in your day to day life. That’s alright to keep you alive and going but prolonged exposure to low oxygen levels can have negative effects on your body and mind. Low oxygen levels can make it hard for you to focus, it can make you feel fatigued, and in extreme cases, it can even cause you to experience conditions known as hypoxia hypoxemia.

This is where an oxygen bar can come in and improve your overall wellness! Concentrated, supplemental oxygen can help you to feel more alert, increase your ability to concentrate, and give you a general feeling of relaxation. When you have symptoms such as hangovers, headaches, fatigue, jet lag, these are all caused because your body is depleted of oxygen.

Oxygen Bar



$15 FOR 20 MIN

Breathe 90% Pure Oxygen

Did you know that when you breathe in, you normally only inhale air that is below twenty-percent oxygen? The rest is made up of other molecules in the air such as nitrogen. But when you visit Breathe oxygen bar in Orlando, you can sit back, relax, and breathe a steady flow of 90% pure oxygen.

90% pure oxygen? Yep! We even distill the oxygen with water to prevent your nose from feeling dry or uncomfortable. It truly is an incredible oxygen bar experience that is designed to help boost your mood, promote healthy circulation, and to keep you feeling refreshed.

Oxygen Is Great For…

When you need a pick me up, there’s nothing better than taking a deep breath in and letting the oxygen fill your lungs. Oxygen then makes its way through your cardiovascular system bringing oxygen to your brain, organs, and muscles helping you feel more revitalized!

This is great for improving your mood, increasing energy levels, boosting cognitive function, promoting better sleep, and reducing stress! It’s a no brainer!

  • Increased energy levels – Feel more refreshed with more air flow whether you are out, at home or at work.
  • Improved sports performance – achieve optimal performance with increased conversion of fats, carbs, proteins and sugars to energy and heat.
  • Stress reduction, increased concentration and mood – a cheery outlook can be achieved, as well as increased focus and clarity with purified oxygen and essential oils.
  • Reduce symptoms of migraine and headache – a rise in oxygen can alleviate the symptoms of headache and migraine.
  • Increased sleep quality – purified oxygen can assist in alleviating sleep apnea
  • Weight loss benefits – increased metabolic function and circulation can result from more oxygen.

Major benefits of oxygen bar:

  • Oxygen is a very key element to the body along with healthy food and water. Oxygen bars will offer a healthy dosage of oxygen than the air in the modern-day environment. It is also considered as alternative medicine in oxygen therapy to eliminate many health issues naturally. Studies have shown that people have seen subtle improvements in their health with the consumption of pure air.
  • Due to the unavailability of pure air in the modern environment, people are facing issues like shortness of breath, lack of concentration, dizziness, abnormal heartbeat, visual problems, chest pain, and many more. Even though you may not see dramatic improvements by visiting the oxygen bar once, regular therapies may help you to reduce the problems gradually by enhancing the blood oxygen levels.
  • Researches have shown that people have found an enhancement in energy levels while they perform their routine tasks at home or office.
  • Enhancement in sports performanceEnhancement in energy levels will transform the food into much-needed strength for superior sports performance.
  • Decrease stress, enhance mood and focus: With the right blend of pure oxygen and essential oils, you will find enhancement in mood, concentration, and decreased stress levels.
  • Offer good relief for hangovers and headachesIt will help in reducing these problems naturally with the increase in the flow of oxygen.
  • Encourages good sleepWith a sufficient supply of oxygen, there will be ample support for you to sleep soundly.
  • Improved metabolic function: With the enhanced oxygen flow, there will be improved circulation and a good response to weight loss and muscle gaining goals. Due to this, it has shown a positive impact on people with good health to enhance the results in overall well-being.
  • A good dose of oxygen is also important for developing fresh skin cells, collagen, blood vessels, and promote healing in the skin. Research has shown that it has found positive results in wound injuries, reducing the impact of ulcers, decreased circulation, swelling with increased delivery of oxygen. This will also cause a reduction in bacterial infection of the skin showcasing a subtle glow in the skin.

See lounge for more details, must be signed up for monthly eft, first time includes hose, after each hose $2. Any one can use for $15 for 20 min